Dominican Society of Amateur Radio INC (SDRA)

Parks on the Air (POTA) is a program that grew out of ARRL 's National Parks on the Air event in 2016. Since then, it has expanded to become an everyday occurrence. Points can be awarded for those who activate from a national or provincial park and those who hunt these activations also receive points and prizes.

Society members participate in POTA as activators and hunters. We periodically go out as a group to activate different parks in the area. Everyone is welcome to join us as we activate different parks - you don't need to be a society member to participate!

Triggers must be installed at a registered POTA location. (Visit for a list and map of locations) A successful activation consists of at least 10 contacts. These contacts can be made in any band or mode of operation (except terrestrial repeaters).

In this section we share with our members and visitors our passion for these activities. For more information about the program, please visit the official Parks on the Air website.

To see the parks registered in the program please click on this link

There are currently 156 parks registered in the program
David Lama, SDRA Vice President HI8DL/NK4Q with Jason Johnston W3AAX, president of POTA, at the Dayton Hamvention 2022. 

Thank you for registering!