Dominican Society of Amateur Radio INC (SDRA)

Help Desk - SDRA

As part of our contribution to amateur radio we have opened a help desk to assist people with their amateur radio license, be it renewal, change of category, new license, HI portability, etc.

We have many successful cases.

 Let us help you!

Please fill out this form with your information, your name, your email address, and your callsign (if you have one).

Select the type of help you need, attach a copy of your license or other necessary documentation to assist you in the process. You can add one or more files at a time by pressing the CTRL key and clicking on them. Preferably in .pdf or .jpg format.

Please provide a brief description to help us with your case. Once we receive it we will contact you.

Help Desk services are free of charge and are provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

For all processes, the regulatory body requires the certificate of no criminal record, which is issued online at the website, costs RD$600.00 and is paid by credit/debit card on the same page.

This process is simple, but must be done by the interested party, as it requires an email address to log in, so that in the future if you need another service you can easily access it.

For the right to take the exam, you must make a transfer in the amount of RD$200.00 to the Banreservas current account 100-01-240-0051229 in the name of the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (INDOTEL), RNC 401-50891-5, it is important that the comment of the transfer includes: ID, name and the word "Derecho Examen", send the payment receipt to the following email:

It is also advisable to capture the transfer, so that it can be included in the application. 

It is important that before making the transfer, you coordinate with our help desk.

For all these processes it is necessary to accompany all the documents with a letter of request, here you can download some examples of the letter for Renewal or Request for Registration in the Special Amateur Radio Registry.

Thank you for registering!