Dominican Society of Amateur Radio INC (SDRA)

Understanding the Condition Banner on HF Bands

Understanding the HF Band Conditions Banner The above Solar-Terrestrial Data graphic was created and produced by Paul Herrman, NØNBH, and I refer to it as the Band Conditions Banner. Many of us have seen this on websites, Facebook group pages, and even in magazines. But [...]

Why Use Split in FT8?

Why is it recommended to use Split in FT8? The answer is simple, the radio has a bandpass filter, which produces the SSB signal, whose bandwidth is 2.4 Khz, that is, as the frequency response is designed for human voice, it only lets through [...]

From the Shack by HI8O

ON VACATION OR MOVING: HOW TO OPERATE LEGALLY IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC By HI8O, Santiago The origin In SDRA we have assumed an institutional commitment with our regulatory body, with the purpose of collaborating to regularize the operations of radio amateurs in charge of foreigners and nationals residing abroad, whether in temporary or definitive operations. In that [...]

The Secret to Communications Success

The Secret to Communications Success By: José M. Candelaria NP4ET Radio amateurs often wonder what the secret to communications success is. There really is no secret but there is a winning formula in order of priorities to follow. This has been said for years, it's nothing new, [...]

Amateur Radio and Hurricane Maria

Amateur Radio and Hurricane Maria By: José M. Candelaria NP4ET After the mandatory break caused by Hurricane Maria, we publish a new edition of the blog "Amateur Radio 101". First of all, my best wishes and solidarity with the Puerto Rican people, exclaiming loudly "Puerto Rico rises. And although there is a saying that after [...]

Where is my Data?

Where is my Data? A common complaint among people who have a data plan on their cell phone is that the contracted plan often ends before the estimated time and they simply cannot understand the reason for this situation. Some go to the service provider, make the claim and simply do not get [...]


Automation Ok, so I've listed and organized all my equipments and components and managed to find suitable softwares and apps for most of them, now what's next?. Enter remote control and automation. As some of you may know my shack is located in one half of my oldest son closet in his bedroom, which is [...]

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