Dominican Society of Amateur Radio INC (SDRA)

During the Cyclonic Season Stay Informed

Talk at the INDOTEL Center
In early December 2024, with the support of INDOTEL, we received 7th grade students from New Horizons Bilingual School at the INDOTEL Center,
who visited the Telecommunications Museum and participated in a talk on radio broadcasting given by our organization.
If you would like to have a talk for students at your school, please contact us at
Talk Escuela Nueva School
As part of the program of dissemination and promotion of Amateur Radio in educational centers, on April 30, 2024 we shared with the 10th grade students of the Escuela Nueva School, in our talk "Discovering Amateur Radio",
In addition to an interesting presentation, a dynamic Q&A session was held, followed by an exhibition and demonstration of equipment.
During the activity, participating students and teachers had the opportunity to learn about amateur radio, its nature, scope and different areas of interest, as well as to see and listen to some models of equipment.
Autism Awareness Week 2024
For the second consecutive year SDRA held its Special Event in support of World Autism Awareness Day, with a special activation at the Olympic Center (entity POTA DO-0102) last April 7, 2024.
The activity included national and international contacts, as well as demonstrations and explanations with new and aspiring radio amateurs.
Autism Awareness Week 2023
On April 2, the week in support of World Autism Awareness Day concluded and on this occasion SDRA held an outdoor activity, including the activation of the HI-0102 Park with the special call sign HI0AUT.
During the week of operation under HI0AUT a total of 3,100 QSO's were made on different bands and modes.
Amateur Radio Live
Last Sunday March 5th we celebrated our First Live Demonstration and Activation, where we had the opportunity to share with prospective hams, demonstrate important parts of the hobby and answer their questions and concerns.
We also had the opportunity to help 2 radio amateurs to perform their first POTA activation.
Stay tuned for upcoming editions of this and other activities.


I want to learn about Amateur Radio

To learn about amateur radio and how to become a ham radio amateur

I am interested in your activities

To learn about and participate in SDRA's various activities and other activities

I am interested in a talk

To receive a talk about Amateur Radio or any aspect related to it in your school, institution or amateur radio group.

I want to be added to your Messaging Groups

To be added to our Messaging Group
(If you are under 18 years old you must be through your Parent/Guardian)

Search for a Radio Amateur in Dominican Republic

To see INDOTEL's Official Amateur Radio Amateur Radio Amateur List

Search for a Repeater in the National Territory

To see the Dominican Republic Repeater List

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